Ware a mask, like Zorro.I work at kroger (frys) and am not allowed to grow facial hair?
You could could always take it to court. But they're allowed to make their own rules, and is a job at a supermarket worth the trouble and expense (especially when you'll probably lose)? Why not just find another job or wait to grow a beard? This isn't the kind of civil rights crusade that people will rally around.
Ptetty standard business an somewhere in the fine print in whatever you signed when hired covers them.
If age appropriate a very well trimed and close to the face goatee is fine. As is is close to the face beard.It is more of a can person can carry it off and an age thiing.
Sideburns (hey dude, just life) mean redneck. young or someome who just does not get the concept.
I have nough age and know how to carry myself so I could get bywith whatever hair. But I learned long ago that my hair does not define me... my confidence and who
I am does.. you can be whover you are.
But clean cut gets you success.
You can go work somewhere else. You could finance a class action suit, hoping others would chip in, but I think it would be a losing proposition if they inforce the rule for men and women. (sarcasm)
Personally I like places having a dress and grooming code, I am more likely to shop there.
Nothing. That's pretty standard across the board with anything to do with food. And or a really conservative businesses and or family oriented business (eg: Disneyland). I didn't make the rules, but I know them. I've been in management at these types of businesses. Has a lot to do with a clean cut image. Sorry.
Go off on them motherfuckers!
It's simple, your here to work, not be judged on YOUR facial hair. I would tell them off, and do it anyway. Try googling the laws, print them bring that **** to work, and tadaa.
Don't take my advice only if you want to get fired. lol jp
Nothing if it a rule of employment. They pay the bills and have every right to expect someone clean shaven. Just be grateful you have a job, so many do not.
If those are the rules of the company and if it is in the employee handbook then those are the rules. Either you abide by them or find another job.
Yeah that is BS, i never heard nothing like that?? Do they ***** about guys having long hair, shirt not tucked in to?? As long as you look presentable there shouldn't be a problem. Talk to your higher ups!
they dont HAVE to keep you employed so if you want to keep your job it would probably be best not to cause i stir, bosses dont typically like to be challenged or questioned
Hair gets in the food. It is a hygiene thing. Customers complain when hair is found in their purchases.
Your workplace is free to make/enforce its own appearance policies. You don't have a choice in following it.
It is their company and they can dictate such policies. Part of the cruelty of life my friend.
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