Saturday, December 26, 2009

How can I get some facial hair?

Im 18 years old and I still don't have any hair on my face.I have hair everywhere else but my face.Is that normal not to have any facial hair yet?How can I get some facial hair?
ya thats the last thing to grow in.How can I get some facial hair?
Like barcode said you still have at least 3 years left of puberty. I am in my 30's and just now getting chest hair. So everyone is different. Hang in there bro you will get facial hair soon enough and then have to shave everyday.
Don't worry about stuff you have no control over. Be thankful you don't have to shave everyday. It's a life sentence when you start. You still have at least 3 more years of puberty left. Enjoy it while it lasts.

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