Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What is the average age for a male to start shaving his facial hair?

OK, that is totally hormonally dependent, so there is no answer to that question. Some of my classmates started at about 15 years, I did not have significant beard to shave until about 18 years. If you get enough facial hair that it bothers you how it looks, then it's time.What is the average age for a male to start shaving his facial hair?
I started around the age of 13, so i would say from 13 to 16 or 18What is the average age for a male to start shaving his facial hair?
13,14,15 years old, it all depends on if they have facial hair already
It depends on when you started puberty so i wanna say when you hit your teens 13, 14, 15

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